Wheyyy the first blog!!! So weve been in collingwood for two months now visiting family and friends while getting some shredding done and enjoying the snow. The original plan was to come back and chill for a while then suit up and bounce to Whistler to hook up with the
www.sfcwhistler.com/ crew. I dont know if anyone reading this has seen the price for the seasons pass over there. Goodness gracious, great balls of fire!! Unfortuneatly I was one of those poor chaps who saw it. It was terrible I says, terrible! This was a very dark place in my life, I couldnt eat or sleep I thought it was going to go on forever, almost like there was no light at the end of the tunnel... a whole ten minutes went by. Not a single crumb of food or even a quick two minute power nap, until me and the infamous Phoebe Hathaway decided we are to cruise down to Costa Rica and meet up with the Christian Surfers crew
www.christiansurferscostarica.com/ and help them in whatever way possible. Next thing I knew we were having all you can eat sushi and eventually slipping my way into a food coma and having a wicked night sleep.